Monday, November 19, 2007

Firefox : Reopen the last closed tab and other short cut keys

I discovered the Firefox keyboard shortcut that re-opens the most recently closed tab: Ctrl-Shift-T. (Cmd-Shift-T for Mac users.)

This one ranks up with Ctrl-T (new tab) and Ctrl+L (go to address bar).

CTRL+T = New Tab

CTRL+TAB = Go to the next tab (right)

CTRL+SHIFT+TAB = Go to the previous tab (left)

CTRL+K - goto google search bar

CTRL-1 to go to your first tab
CTRL-(number between 2-8) to go to the (second to eighth) tab
CTRL-9 to go to the last tab


Monday, November 5, 2007

Linux commands to check for Disk Usage and Free Space on disk

About du
Tells you how much space a file occupies.

Syntaxdu [-a] [-k] [-s] [-d] [-L] [-o] [-r] [-x] directories

Example :

[root@HACK1 Directory]# du 4 ./certs4 ./keys4 ./trust-certs100128 .

About df

Tells you how much free disk space is available for each mount you have.

Syntax - Man on the details for more info

df [ -F FSType ] [-a [-b] [-e] [-g] [-k] [-l] [-n] [-t] [-V ] [ -o FSTypespecific_options ] [block_device directory file resource ... ] [-P]


In the below example when performing just the df command with no additional switches or specification of the file or directory you would get a listing of all file systems and their used and available space. Below is an example of what this command may display.

[root@HACK1 Directory]# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/cciss/c0d0p1 12357692 11324400 907748 93% /
/dev/cciss/c0d0p6 43009872 16444384 24380652 41% /common
/dev/cciss/c0d0p3 256665 8413 234999 4% /grub
/dev/cciss/c0d0p2 12357724 32828 11697160 1% /partB
none 512700 16752 495948 4% /dev/shm

Thanks to Kavitha for the details

Linux - count number of files in a sub directory

[a typo corrected..Thanks 2 itmozart 4 pointing it out]

To get the number of files in a directory including sub directories on Linux

Run ls -1R [shift + \] wc –l


[root@HACK1 root]# ls -1R [shift + \] wc -l
[root@HACK1 root]#

Thanks to my friend shiva for providing this.

Enable remote services on the 2003 Server

To enable remote services on the 2003 Server:

1. Check if mstsc.exe is available on the Server in some system path.
2. Ensure Terminal Services Service is set to Automatic and started
2. My Computer ->properties -> Remote tab -> Check on "Enable remote desktop on this server"


Scientific Calculations in JAVA using 'pi' and 'e'

Many scientific/trigonometric/mathematical applications need the values of ‘pi’ and ‘e’ (the basis of natural logarithms) for calculations. The math class in the java.lang package has two static double constants that represent values that are closer than any other to these. They can be used in calculations.Since they are static, they can be used as Math.PI and math.E .

Google calculator


To use Google's built-in calculator function, simply enter the calculation you'd like done into the search box and hit the Enter key or click on the Google Search button.
The calculator can solve math problems involving basic arithmetic, more complicated math, units of measure and conversions, and physical constants.



((48 934 * 950) / 463) + 234 = 100 638.536

Unit conversion - very useful to us.


27 919.211 kilobytes = 27.2648545 megabytes

half a cup in teaspoons
160 pounds * 4000 feet in Calories

Currency Conversion.
3.5 USD in GBP
currency of Brazil in Malaysian money
5 British pounds in South Korean money
2.2 USD per gallon in INR per litre

5 U.S. dollars = 196.602705 Indian rupees

To see a definition for a word or phrase, simply type the word "define," then a space, and then the word(s) you want defined. If Google has seen a definition for the word or phrase on the Web, it will retrieve that information and display it at the top of your search results.

You can also get a list of definitions by including the special operator "define:" with no space between it and the term you want defined.

Ever wanted to see the next webpage without clicking?

Cooliris Previews is a free browser add-on that lets you preview links and rich media without clicking or leaving your current page, so you can browse the web faster than ever. Simply mouseover a small Cooliris icon next to the link, and a preview window instantly appears with your content. No more clicking back and forth!
Once I started using this in my firefox, only then I realized its potential. Some of the benefits I think are very good-
1) This preview will go away once you remove your mouse from the preview.
2) If you simply go to the next link while watching one preview, it will show the next preview in the same window. This feature is extremely useful when I need to browse many DDTS listed in hotlist.
3) This is really fast enough to say that it saves my browsing time.
4) You can customize this preview window, this is really amazing stuff.
5) This is available for Internet Explorer also.

You can install this small plugin from
Welcome to the fast and efficient browsing.

Cooliris Previews is a free browser add-on that lets you preview links and rich media without clicking or leaving your current page, so you can browse the web faster than ever. Simply mouseover a small Cooliris icon next to the link, and a preview window instantly appears with your content. No more clicking back and forth!
Once I started using this in my firefox, only then I realized its potential. Some of the benefits I think are very good-
1) This preview will go away once you remove your mouse from the preview.
2) If you simply go to the next link while watching one preview, it will show the next preview in the same window. This feature is extremely useful when I need to browse many DDTS listed in hotlist.
3) This is really fast enough to say that it saves my browsing time.
4) You can customize this preview window, this is really amazing stuff.
5) This is available for Internet Explorer also.

You can install this small plugin from
Welcome to the fast and efficient browsing.

thanks to my friend Robins for this cool tool...
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